Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Waking to the Golden Sun

Golden Sun (GBA $10) is quite the game. Of course with it being on the Game Boy Advance it seems like it is old, but to many still a favorite. Golden Sun starts out with a couple of characters interested in psyenergy go to Sol Sanctum and run into others who make it erupt and release the Djinn. They must then go on an adventure to capture all the Djinn and keep the villains from lighting the lighthouses that could very well destroy the land.
The Djinn are helpful in battle as you can use them themselves to cause massive damage then you can even use multiple at once to cause great spirits to come and help kill your foes.
The adventure leads the main characters into interaction with others and a growing alliance that helps to cease the actions of those who are trying to light the lighthouses. All see the danger that is upon the world, but only these four can stop it.
The battle system works in that you have turns to attack, defend, use psyenergy or items and then it plays through the actions and shows great graphics. There are many different places to explore. Caves, desserts, a lake where you travel by boat, and other dungeons let many monsters appear and places to find Djinn and other items including swords, armor, and healing items.

Overall, it is a Rpg that truly delves into a world of monsters, powers and plot as you must defeat those who are trying to destroy the world.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Book of Prophecy Chose You

Avalon Code, a new game for the Nintendo DS ($34.99), tells a tale about a young boy/girl who is chosen by the Book of Prophecy to create a new world. First you must try to save everyone while entering anything of value into the Book. This is the funny part, when you enter a person into the book they don't really know what happened and end up with a question mark over his/her head. By entering things into the Book, you can change their codes, which are made up of metals, elements, animals, values and ideas. By changing the codes you can make things stronger or weaker. Then for the weapons you wield against the foes, you can make them stronger or weaker or even into weapons like Excalibur or Thor's Hammer by following a metalize tablet. The metalize tablets are really recipes that tell you what you need to have in order to make the weapon, but there are also metalizes for accessories, armor and other items. Throughout the story you meet new people, the spirits of the elements, the various villains and many creatures. But it all ends when you face the ultimate evil, the former owner of the Book of Prophecy who was betrayed by those he populated his world with.
After the main story line, a few things open up to just explore the world and even check in on the world to come, by going to Sunny Hill, which is where you first obtain the Book, to check on what things will look like. Which means you can always change them by answering the questions of the new world differently.

I found the game very entertaining, since it was able to keep me wanting to play it. A few of the cut scenes seemed like they would go on forever, but I realized they were just getting further along the plot line and had a lot to get out of the way. For anyone who is an Rpg fan I strongly recommend this game.
For more info here is a trailer and here is the website.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tiny plants pack a punch in Pikmin

Pikmin, New play control for the Wii ($27.99-29.99) .
This game is actually a remake of the Gamecube game by the same name, and is part of a new series Nintendo is putting out of Gamecube Masterpieces. I loved this game on the Gamecube and always wanted to see what it would be like with the Wii since its controls lend it so well to the system.
The new controls make the game seem much better than before. You just point in one area and can send Pikmin doing a task in no time. The premise is that Olimar's ship is hit by an asteroid and he crashes onto a strange planet. He meets the Pikmin and then with their help finds the pieces to fix his spaceship. He just wants to get home, but since the pieces are scattered everywhere he must go on an adventure with the Pikmin to find every piece and meet new creatures, objects and plants along the way.
The battle system basically throws a Pikmin onto a creature and the Pikmin fight it until it is dead. They then transport the corpse to their Onions, which are their homes, for food and to make new Pikmin. It is such a fun game that most gamers who have played the series before are purchasing it for the Wii and awaiting the update to Pikmin 2 and the release of Pikmin 3, which will be the first new game of the series on the Wii.
For more information
See the trailer here
Or the website here

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Evolution Revolution

Spore (PC & Mac $39-49, Nintendo DS version $35) has widely entered an evolution based game to the mainstream. In Spore, you start the game and watch as an asteroid flies through space and eventually crashes into a planet. This asteroid then breaks up and out pops an cell organism that is your character. Your goal then is to eat and not to be eaten. You choose to be an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore, and then what your cell looks like with each stage. Eventually you obtain enough points to move to land and begin the evolution cycle. On land the main goals remain, but added to them are befriending other creatures or destroying their species. As you move from nest to nest you meet many creatures along the way, some will be friendly to you from the beginning and some not. However, every choice you make has an effect later on. This also allows you to find new parts to use in the creator to make your creature look different, creepy, cute or funny. The end of the creature phase brings up your creature's movement into tribal stage as it has finally become sentient. In tribal stage you either have to make friends with other tribes or destroy them, while maintaining food supplies and giving clothes to your creation. There are five other tribes and what you do with them further develops your species. After you have dealt with the tribes, you get to move to civilization, which breaks the split to militaristic, religious, or economic abilities to overcome your rival cities. You get to create your city hall, houses, entertainment buildings and workshops, as well as the vehicles from land, water and air. After you have taken the planet, you move to space stage and expand ever on with more civilizations and space-faring species in a never ending quest to become the larges power in the galaxy.

Spore is one of the ultimate games in creativity as you can decide every aspect of your species from the way it looks to where it lives and the vehicles it uses. In another part of the game, there are creators that allow you to create the buildings, creatures or vehicles without playing the game to do so. Plus the connection with other gamers through the sporepedia and the Internet interaction allows you to share your creations with others and even use creations you liked from other people.
For more information here is Spore's website.